Terms And Condition
I. Introduction
These Terms of Use govern your access and use of the websites of RetailPoint Solutions Limited, its affiliates and subsidiaries (as used here “RetailPoint Solutions Limited” refers to RetailPoint Solutions Limited, its affiliates and subsidiaries, jointly and severally).
II. Acceptance of Terms
This website is the property of RetailPoint Solutions Limited. By using or accessing this website of RetailPoint Solutions Limited, you agree to these Terms and Conditions, including agreeing to indemnify and hold harmless RetailPoint Solutions Limited from all claims of any nature arising from your access and use of this website.
These Terms and Conditions may be changed at any time at the sole discretion of RetailPoint Solutions Limited.
III. Consent to do Business Electronically
This system/application is the property of RetailPoint Solutions Limited. You may use this system/application to gain access to authorized information only. By providing the information requested periodically in Consent to do Business in an Electronic form (presented at the time of login), you are:
Consenting to do business electronically with RetailPoint Solutions Limited ;
Certifying that you are the person identified by that information. If you are not that person and/or you are attempting to access someone else’s information, you are in violation of federal and/or state law and should exit this application now. Suspected violations may be reported to state and/or federal authorities;
If you are accessing this system/application on behalf of your employer, you are certifying that you have the appropriate authority to conduct business electronically on behalf of your employer;
Accepting and agreeing to be bound by the Disclosures and Terms of Use that apply to the web site of RetailPoint Solutions Limited and
Consenting to, and acknowledging that, activity on this system/application may be viewed, monitored and recorded by RetailPoint Solutions Limited in order to help prevent and detect potential fraud or other abuse, including unauthorized access to information.
IV. Secure Websites
By using, accessing or attempting to access websites of RetailPoint Solutions Limited that require the use of Passwords, Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) or other any other method of authentication or any combination of authentication methods (these are defined as “secure websites”), you are certifying you are the person legally associated with the passwords, PINs or method(s) of authentication being used. Unauthorized access or use or attempts to access this website is prohibited and may violate federal and/or state law.
NB: Please use maximum caution to keep your user name and password confidential and log-off from the Site when your session is complete to prevent unauthorized access to your information. If your user name or password is subject to unauthorized access, you should immediately inform the RetailPoint Solutions Limited Customer Care.
V. Products and Services
Not all the products and services that you may be able to view via the RetailPoint Solutions Limited website are available in all geographical locations. The relevant RetailPoint Solutions Limited member of staff reserves the right to make the final determination on whether or not you are eligible for any particular product or service. If you choose to enter a website outside your country of residence, you are advised that it may not be legal in that jurisdiction for you to access or use the facilities available on that site and the legal requirements of that jurisdiction may prohibit you from dealing or otherwise transacting in that jurisdiction.
VI. Changes
The information, material and content provided in the pages of the RetailPoint Solutions Limited website may be changed at any time without notice. Changes may be made to these Terms and Conditions by us at any time without notice to you by updating the posting of the Terms and Conditions.
VII. Children and the RetailPoint Solutions Limited Website
The website of RetailPoint Solutions Limited is intended to be used by adults only and is not directed at Minors.
VIII. Privacy
All personal information is subject to the Privacy Policy of RetailPoint Solutions Limited, which may be accessed by clicking on Privacy Policy link at the bottom of any page.
IX. Links to Other Sites – Limitation of Liability
RetailPoint Solutions Limited may provide, for your convenience and information only, links to other World Wide Web sites. Because RetailPoint Solutions Limited does not have control over these sites, you agree that RetailPoint Solutions Limited is not responsible for any liability resulting from the access or use of sites not owned by RetailPoint Solutions Limited and that RetailPoint Solutions Limited is not responsible for any content, advertising, product, or any other matter or issue, available through the World Wide Web, whether linked to, or from, the RetailPoint Solutions Limited website. Further, you agree that RetailPoint Solutions Limited shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused, or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of websites RetailPoint Solutions Limited does not own.
X. Third Party Applications – Modification Prohibited
RetailPoint Solutions Limited may provide you with access to third-party applications and services through its websites. You agree not to modify, decompile or reverse engineer any such third party applications, or any code related to such third party applications.
XI. Termination and Blocking
You agree that RetailPoint Solutions Limited reserves the right to terminate and/or block your use or access of its websites for any reason without prior notice to you.
XII. Monitoring
RetailPoint Solutions Limited reserves the right to monitor your access and use of its websites without notification to you.